

Advanced scripts are based on the LUA programming language. You can find the basic syntax and usage at

standard library

Standard library provides a toolbox filled with pre-built functions and modules.




The Database class provides methods for managing data stored in a database, such as saving, retrieving, and deleting key-value pairs


  • init(namespace: str = "public") -> Database: Initializes the database with the specified namespace.

  • save(key, value): Saves a key-value pair to the database.

  • delete(key): Deletes a key-value pair from the database.

  • get(key): Retrieves a value from the database based on the key.

  • select_many(search, sort): Selects multiple key-value pairs from the database based on a search string.


  • set: A property that aliases the save method.




  • status: Returns the status code of the response.

  • content_type: Returns the content type of the response.

  • content_length: Returns the content length of the response.


  • to_file(data): Reads and returns the response content as a file. filename: File filename description: file description

  • text(): Reads and returns the response content as text.

  • json(): Reads and returns the response content as JSON.



The HTTP class provides methods for making HTTP requests.


  • get(url, data): Makes a GET request.

  • post(url, data): Makes a POST request.


data can contain headers, body params etc...


local http = import("http")
-- Perform a GET request.
response = http.get("")
-- GET request with headers
response = http.get("", {headers={Authorization="test"}})
--Perform a POST request
response ="")

Discord Objects

Here's the documentation for the Discord class:



The Discord class provides methods to retrieve Discord entities such as users, messages, and channels, and also includes utilities for sending replies and creating embeds.


  • get_user(search): Retrieves a user by their name or ID.

  • get_message(search): Retrieves a message by its ID or link.

  • get_text_channel(search): Retrieves a text channel by its name or ID.

  • get_voice_channel(search): Retrieves a voice channel by its name or ID.

  • get_category_channel(search): Retrieves a category channel by its name or ID.

  • reply(): Marks the reply as a reference.

  • Embed(): Utility method to create an embed object.


  • getUser: Alias for the get_user method.

  • getMessage: Alias for the get_message method.

Example Usage

user = discord.get_user("username")

-- Retrieve a message by ID
message = discord.get_message("message_id")

-- Retrieve a text channel by name or ID
text_channel = discord.get_text_channel("channel_name")

-- Mark the reply as a reference

-- Create an embed
embed = discord.Embed{title="Embed Title", description="Embed Description"}



The Arguments class manages the raw and parsed arguments passed to a command. It allows for retrieval, removal, and conversion of arguments.


  • str(): Returns a string representation of the raw arguments.

  • get(name): Retrieves an argument by name or index.

  • __getitem__(name): Retrieves an argument by name using square bracket notation.

  • remove(name): Removes an argument by name or index.

  • to_dict(): Converts the parsed arguments to a dictionary.

Example Usage

-- Access and manipulate raw arguments
raw_args = ctx.args.str()
print(raw_args)  # Output: "arg1 arg2 arg3"

-- Access parsed arguments
parsed_arg = args.get("name")
print(parsed_arg)  -- Output: "value"

-- Remove an argument
removed_arg = args.remove("name")
print(removed_arg)  -- Output: "value"

-- Convert parsed arguments to dictionary
parsed_dict = args.to_dict()
print(parsed_dict)  -- Output: {"name": "value"}



The Context class provides an encapsulation of the current context in which a command or interaction is executed. It includes information about the author, guild, and message, as well as methods for sending replies and reactions.


  • author: The user who initiated the interaction.

  • guild: The guild (server) where the interaction occurred.

  • message: The message object associated with the interaction.

  • channel: The channel where the interaction took place.


  • prefix: The prefix used to trigger the command.

  • trigger: The trigger (command) that initiated the interaction.

  • args: The arguments object passed with the command.

  • strargs: A string representation of the arguments.

  • add_reaction: An alias for the react method.


  • react(emoji): Adds a reaction to the message associated with the context.

  • send(data): Sends a message or embed as a reply to the interaction.

  • reply(data): Sends a reply referencing the original message in the context.

  • Ok(data): Sends a simple affirmative reply.

Example Usage:

-- Access context attributes
author =
guild = ctx.guild
message = ctx.message
channel =

-- Access context properties
prefix = ctx.prefix
trigger = ctx.trigger
args = ctx.args
strargs = ctx.strargs

-- Send a message
ctx.send("Hello, world!")

-- Send an embed
embed = Embed{title="Embed Title", description="Embed Description"}

-- Add a reaction

-- Reply to the original message
ctx.reply("This is a reply.")

-- Send an affirmative response
ctx.Ok("Operation successful.")



The User class represents a Discord user or member and provides access to various properties and methods to interact with them.


  • name: Returns the username of the user.

  • tag: Returns the discriminator of the user.

  • display_name: Returns the display name of the user.

  • avatar: Returns a string representing the URL of the user's avatar.

  • id: Returns the unique ID of the user.

  • mention: Returns a string mentioning the user.

  • created_at: Returns the timestamp of when the user's account was created.

  • joined_at: Returns the timestamp of when the user joined the guild.

  • mutual_guilds: Returns the number of mutual guilds with the bot (if applicable).

  • roles: Returns a list of role IDs that the user has.

  • banner: Returns a coroutine that retrieves the user's banner.

  • public_flags: Returns a list of public user flags.

  • accent_color: Returns the user's accent color.

  • color: Returns the user's color.

  • global_name: Returns the user's global name.

  • system: Returns whether the user is a Discord system user.

  • status: Returns the user's status.

  • activity: Returns the user's current activity (if applicable).

  • premium_since: Returns the timestamp of when the user started boosting the guild.

  • top_role: Returns the ID of the user's top role in the guild.

  • nick: Returns the user's nickname in the guild.

  • mobile_status: Returns the user's status on mobile.

  • desktop_status: Returns the user's status on desktop.

  • web_status: Returns the user's status on web.

  • is_timed_out: Returns whether the user is timed out.

  • permissions: Returns a dictionary of guild permissions for the user.


  • add_role(search: str): Asynchronously adds a role to the user.

  • remove_role(search: str): Asynchronously removes a role from the user.

  • has_permissions(*permissions): Checks if the user has the specified permissions.

  • has_role(search: str): Asynchronously checks if the user has a specific role.

Example Usage

has_admin = user.has_role("Administrator")
print("Is Admin: " .. tostring(has_admin))

-- Add a role to the user
await user.add_role("Moderator")

-- Check if the user has specific permissions
has_manage_channels = user.has_permissions("manage_channels", "kick_members")
print("Can Manage Channels and Kick Members: " .. tostring(has_manage_channels))



The Guild class represents a Discord guild (server) and provides access to various properties and methods to interact with it.


  • name: Returns the name of the guild.

  • icon: Returns a string representing the URL of the guild's icon.

  • splash: Returns a string representing the URL of the guild's splash image.

  • banner: Returns a string representing the URL of the guild's banner image.

  • id: Returns the unique ID of the guild.

  • created_at: Returns the timestamp of when the guild was created.

  • members: Returns the total number of members in the guild.

  • boosts: Returns the number of boosts the guild has.

  • boosts_level: Returns the level of boosts the guild has.

  • owner: Returns a User object representing the owner of the guild.

  • features: Returns a list of features enabled for the guild.

  • roles: Returns a list of role IDs present in the guild.

  • approximate_member_count: Returns an approximate count of members in the guild.

  • approximate_presence_count: Returns an approximate count of online members in the guild.

  • emojis: Returns the number of emojis present in the guild.

  • afk_timeout: Returns the AFK timeout duration in seconds.

  • large: Returns whether the guild is considered "large" (has more than 250 members).

  • humans: Returns the number of human members in the guild.

  • bots: Returns the number of bot members in the guild.

  • joins: Returns the number of members that joined the guild today.

  • system_channel: Returns a Channel object representing the system channel of the guild (if available).

  • rules_channel: Returns a Channel object representing the rules channel of the guild (if available).

  • vanity_url: Returns the vanity URL of the guild.

  • vanity_url_code: Returns the vanity URL code of the guild.

  • verification_level: Returns the verification level of the guild.

  • mfa_level: Returns the MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) level required for the guild.

  • nsfw_level: Returns the NSFW (Not Safe For Work) level of the guild.



The Attachment class represents a file attached to a message and provides access to various properties related to the attachment.


  • url: Returns the URL of the attachment.

  • content_type: Returns the content type of the attachment.

  • filename: Returns the filename of the attachment.

  • proxy_url: Returns the proxy URL of the attachment.

  • description: Returns the description of the attachment.

  • id: Returns the unique ID of the attachment.

Example Usage




The Emoji class represents a custom emoji and provides access to various properties related to the emoji.


  • name: Returns the name of the emoji.

  • id: Returns the unique ID of the emoji.

  • created_at: Returns the timestamp of when the emoji was created.

  • url: Returns the URL of the emoji.

  • is_usable: Returns whether the emoji is usable.

  • managed: Returns whether the emoji is managed.

  • available: Returns whether the emoji is available.

  • animated: Returns whether the emoji is animated.

  • require_colons: Returns whether the emoji requires colons.

Example Usage




The Reaction class represents a reaction to a message and provides access to various properties related to the reaction.


  • emoji: Returns the Emoji object representing the emoji of the reaction.

  • is_custom_emoji: Returns whether the reaction emoji is custom.

  • count: Returns the count of users who reacted with the emoji.

Example Usage




The Message class represents a message in a channel and provides access to various properties related to the message.


  • id: Returns the unique ID of the message.

  • content: Returns the content of the message.

  • author: Returns the User object representing the author of the message.

  • channel: Returns the Channel object representing the channel the message was sent in.

  • guild: Returns the Guild object representing the guild the message was sent in.

  • jump_url: Returns the jump URL of the message.

  • type: Returns the type of the message.

  • pinned: Returns whether the message is pinned.

  • created_at: Returns the timestamp of when the message was created.

  • edited_at: Returns the timestamp of when the message was last edited (if applicable).

  • reactions: Returns a list of Reaction objects representing reactions to the message.

  • embeds: Returns a list of dictionaries representing embeds in the message.

  • attachments: Returns a list of Attachment objects representing attachments in the message.

  • files: Alias for attachments.

Example Usage

-- Access message properties

-- Check if the message is pinned
if message.pinned then
    print("This message is pinned.")


A class representing an embed object in Discord.


  • add_field():

    • Parameters:

      • data- Data for adding a field to the embed. name- Field name value- Field value inline- true or false, should field be inline or not.

    • Adds a field to the embed.

  • set_footer():

    • Parameters:

      • data- Data for setting the footer of the embed. text- Footer text icon_url- A valid image URL for footer icon

    • Sets the footer of the embed.

  • set_author():

    • Parameters:

      • data- Data for setting the author of the embed. name- Author name icon_url- A valid image URL for author icon url- A valid URL for author url

    • Sets the author of the embed.

  • set_title():

    • Parameters:

      • title - The title of the embed.

    • Sets the title of the embed.

  • set_description():

    • Parameters:

      • description- The description of the embed.

    • Sets the description of the embed.

  • set_color(self):

    • Parameters:

      • color- The color of the embed in hexadecimal format.

    • Sets the color of the embed.

  • set_image():

    • Parameters:

      • url- The URL of the image to be displayed in the embed.

    • Sets the image of the embed.

  • set_thumbnail():

    • Parameters:

      • url- The URL of the thumbnail to be displayed in the embed.

    • Sets the thumbnail of the embed.

  • set_timestamp():

    • Parameters:

      • timestamp - Unix timestamp for the embed's timestamp. If None, no timestamp will be used.

    • Sets the timestamp of the embed.

  • copy():

    • Creates a copy of the embed object.

  • to_dict():

    • Converts the embed object into a dictionary.


  • timestamp:

    • Returns the timestamp of the embed.



The Interaction class represents an interaction with a Discord component (e.g., a button click or a select menu interaction) and provides methods to access interaction data.


  • guild: Returns the guild associated with the interaction.

  • user: Returns the user who initiated the interaction.

  • channel: Returns the channel where the interaction occurred.

  • message: Returns the message associated with the interaction.

  • value: Returns the value of the interaction.

  • custom_id: Returns the custom ID of the interaction.


  • not_ephemeral(): Marks the interaction response as not ephemeral.

  • options(value): Returns the value of the specified option in the interaction.

Example Usage


-- Get the value of a specific option
option_value = interaction.options("option_name")
print("Option Value: " .. tostring(option_value))

-- Mark the interaction response as not ephemeral


A class representing an option for a select menu.


  • label- The label text of the option.

  • description- The description text of the option.

  • emoji- The emoji associated with the option.

  • default- Indicates if the option is selected by default.


A class representing a select menu.


  • type: int - Specifies the type of the select menu. Possible values:

    • 3: String Select

    • 5: User Select

    • 6: Role Select

    • 7: Mentionable Select

    • 8: Channel Select

  • placeholder- The placeholder text for the select menu.

  • row- The row in which the select menu should be displayed.

  • disabled- Indicates whether the select menu is disabled or not.

  • min_values- The minimum number of options that can be selected.

  • max_values- The maximum number of options that can be selected.


A class representing a button element.


  • custom_id- The custom ID of the select menu or button.

  • disabled- Indicates whether the button is disabled or not.

  • label- Label text for button

  • style- Color style for button, can be "grey" "green" "red" "blurple"

  • url - URL address for button optionally if you want the button to redirect to certain website instead of executing a function.



The Channel class represents a Discord channel and provides access to various properties and methods to interact with it.


  • name: Returns the name of the channel.

  • id: Returns the unique ID of the channel.

  • mention: Returns a string mentioning the channel.

  • position: Returns the position of the channel.

  • type: Returns the type of the channel.

  • created_at: Returns the timestamp of when the channel was created.

  • nsfw: Returns whether the channel is marked as NSFW.

  • topic: Returns the topic of the channel (if applicable).

  • parent: Returns the parent category of the channel (if applicable).


  • is_nsfw(): Checks if the channel is marked as NSFW.

Example Usage

-- Access channel properties

-- Check if the channel is NSFW
if channel.is_nsfw() then
    print("This channel is NSFW.")

parent_category = channel.parent
if parent_category then
    print("Parent Category: " .. tostring(parent_category))

Last updated